Accepted Formats: Only .PSD, .PNG, and .SVG files are allowed.
Transparent Background: All designs must have a transparent background to prevent unwanted elements from appearing in the print.
Exact Print Size: Artwork must be submitted in the exact required print size. We do not resize designs.
Text Size: For clear printing, all text must be at least 0.5 inches tall.
Details: Fine details should be thickened or outlined for better transfer quality.
Design Limitations: DTF printing does not support transparency or drop shadows, as these elements will not adhere properly to the fabric. Please remove them from your design, adjust them to at least 70% transparency, or replace them with solid lines.
DPI Requirement: Files must be submitted at a minimum resolution of 300 DPI for optimal quality.
Image Quality Warning: If your file looks blurry or pixelated on the screen, this will be magnified up to 100x when printed. Low-quality files may have dead pixels surrounding the design, causing a white edge border around the print.
No Refunds: No refunds will be given for pixelated or low-quality files. Designs will be printed exactly as submitted without any edits.
Adhering to these requirements will ensure the best printing results.